Less Salt, MORE Flavor
April is the perfect month to celebrate the springtime by embracing all of Mother Nature’s various gifts including her...
Celebrate with Healthy, Dark, and Delicious Hot Cocoa!
This is the most wonderful time of the year, the month where we celebrate loved ones, strangers, the world...
High blood pressure is the number one cause of stroke and a major risk factor for heart attacks.
High Blood Pressure and Pregnancy Related Complications: What You Need To Know
High blood pressure isn't necessarily a dangerous condition while pregnant. It can be solved with simple dietary changes and...
Lower Blood Pressure Naturally with Blood Pressure Down App
The Blood Pressure Down App makes it simple for readers to follow highly effective Blood Pressure Lowering lifestyle tips...
7 Benefits of Heart Healthy Kiwi Fruit
Kiwi fruit help bring blood pressure down, promote healthy skin and aid in weight loss. Read the many benefits...
Top 5 Benefits of Eating Heart Healthy Avocados
Check out the zero cholesterol recipe of Avocado Dip (Guacamole) and serve it with fresh veggies or whole wheat...
Strawberries Lower Cholesterol – Dr. Janet on Dr. Oz Talk Show
Dr. Janet appeared on Dr. Mehmet Oz' talk show to talk about the benefits of eating strawberries and how...
“You’ve made a difference In my life” – Blood Pressure Down Testimonial
"The chapter on salt was a major eye opener. After reading Chapter 5, I started reading labels and I...
The New Salt Message: a Smoking Gun
“High blood pressure is the single risk factor responsible for the largest number of preventable deaths in this country....
Lower Blood Pressure: A Simple 10 Step Plan Without Prescription Drugs
Dr. Janet in her book Blood Pressure Down, recommends a 10-step plan to lower blood pressure in 4 weeks...
5 Foods to Bring Down Blood Pressure
Dr. Janet has been recently interviewed by Paul Irish and her interview has been published in the Toronto Star....
Barley Risotto with Shitake Mushrooms
Barley is a healthy high-fiber, high-protein whole grain boasting numerous health benefits.
What’s the Nutritional Impact of Halloween Treats?
Q: What is the nutritional impact of sugary Halloween treats on my kids? A: Overdosing on huge quantities of...
Does a Morning Workout Burn More Calories?
Q: Does the time of day (morning rather than evening) impact burning more calories? A: Whenever you can burn...
Do Carrots Really Help Eyesight at Night?
Q: Do carrots really help my eyesight at night? Or was Mom just saying that as a way of...
How Should I Get Back Into a Running Routine?
Q: I used to run every day and then I had kids. Now that they’re getting older, I’m starting...
How Can I Gain Healthy Weight and Energy?
Make sure to eat three meals a day, plus get in those higher-calorie snacks and you should be on...
Do I Really Need A Daily Supplement?
Q: Do I really need to take a daily supplement if my diet is diverse and healthy? A: Americans...
Supplements For More Omega-3s?
The best sources of EPA and DHA are fatty cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, halibut and herring.
How Can I Tone Up “Fatty” Areas?
Q: Since turning 50 I have noticed a fat accumulation around the inside of my knees, making my knees...
Are Dried Fruits Just As Nutritious As Regular?
Dried fruits have pros and cons associated with them. Dried fruits such as raisins are a highly nutritious and...
How Can I Shake the Salt Habit?
Q: I know too much sodium is bad for me, so are there any alternatives I can cook with that...
Why Are Nuts Important In a Woman’s Diet?
Just remember not to go too nuts for nuts, as they are a very concentrated source of calories (due...
How Can I Prevent Cramping While Exercising?
Skeletal muscles are the type of muscles that are most likely to cramp, with calf, thigh and muscles in...

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