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Low Calorie Recipes
Low Calorie Recipes
Zero Cholesterol Recipe Of Watermelon Black Bean And Corn Salsa
Watermelon adds a refreshing taste to salads and side dishes during summers. Check out this zero cholesterol recipe of...
Low Cholesterol Recipe of Cocoa Heart Munch with Popcorn
Instead of snacking on processed foods, it is better to munch on heart healthy pop corns. Check out this...
Low Cholesterol Recipe of Green Bean Casserole – A Thanksgiving Classic Dish
What is one of the most popular Thanksgiving dinner side dishes? Green bean casserole has become a staple at...
Low Calorie Recipe of Pesto Spaghetti Squash with Shrimp Scampi and Edamame
Spaghetti squash is a great alternative for pasta. Check out this low calorie recipe of pesto spaghetti squash with...
Happiness = Zero Cholesterol Homemade Apple Butter
Homemade apple butter is healthier as it contains zero cholesterol, and zero sodium that helps in lowering blood pressure...
Baked Acorn Squash Broccoli Quiche = Low Cholesterol Food
Just like summer squash, there are many varieties of winter squash. The most popular winter squash are butternut squash,...
July 4th Low Calorie BLUEBERRY sorbet!
Blueberries are packed with nutrients that benefit our overall health. July is the ideal time to buy fresh blueberries...
Thank Heaven for Ripe and Luscious Low Calorie STRAWBERRIES!
Since it's strawberry season, why not tap into sweet and luscious seasonal strawberries by whipping them up in a...
Lighter, Yet Still Creamy & Cheesy Spinach Dip
This traditional holiday appetizer can wreck your lightened up holiday plate due to the huge amount of saturated fat...
Dr. Janet Talks TURKEY!
Did you know that ninety-five percent of Americans surveyed by the National Turkey Federation eat turkey at Thanksgiving? Skinless,...
Eggplant: Tap into the Power of Purple!
For a mere 20 calories in an entire cup, it doesn’t get any better than eggplant for “beefing up”...
Barley Risotto with Shitake Mushrooms
Barley is a healthy high-fiber, high-protein whole grain boasting numerous health benefits.
Go GREEN to Stay LEAN (and Healthy)!
Think GREEN, not just for the environment but for your body, your health, and your fitness. Aim for atleast...
Arugula Salad with Figs and Walnuts
Yield: 6 servings – 1 ¼ cup salad with 2 tsp dressing Ingredients: Parsley Chive Dressing ¾ cup Extra...
Does a Morning Workout Burn More Calories?
Q: Does the time of day (morning rather than evening) impact burning more calories? A: Whenever you can burn...
Are Dried Fruits Just As Nutritious As Regular?
Dried fruits have pros and cons associated with them. Dried fruits such as raisins are a highly nutritious and...
The Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet
Q: Is there a risk to going vegetarian after 28 years of not? What about going vegan? A: No...
Today's Heart Healthy Recipe
Low Cholesterol Recipe: Awesome Arugula
The Mediterranean Diet
Rated Best Diet - 8 Years in a Row!
The Mediterranean Nutritionist
Live Healthier. Live Better. Live longer
Learn How from dr. janet
One of the few worldwide experts on The Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Recipes
Mediterranean Diet: Arugula Salad with Figs and Walnuts
Mediterranean Recipe of Quinoa Salad
Quinoa: The Mother of All Grains
Color Your Plate with Sweet Summer Produce for Blood Pressure Control
Ode to CHOCOLATE – “Food of the Gods!”
Create Heart Healthy Food & Fitness Plans with Dr. Janet
Blood Pressure Down
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