
Low Calorie Icy Blueberry Sorbet
Blueberries are rich source of various nutrients

Blueberries may be small in size, but boy they are packed with nutrients that greatly benefit our health!

Go ahead and enhance the nutrition value of your mid-day snack, breakfast, desserts salads, and dessert with the addition of antioxidant-packed blueberries.

In fact, now is the time to buy fresh blueberries! The month of July is prime time for blueberry harvest. Translation: fulfill your summer blueberry craving and buy them in bulk to freeze so that you can have them at your finger tips for the off season months.

4th of July is the perfect time to cool off with a icy blueberry sorbet, which is featured in this week’s recipe. Get in the red, white and blue festive spirit and make an icy strawberry sorbet (substitute strawberries for the blueberries) too, top a scoop of your blueberry and strawberry sorbet with a dollop of low-fat cool whip.

Happy Independence Day!

Check out how to prepare low calorie and zero cholesterol sorbet with blueberries:

Icy Blueberry Sorbet

All fruity frozen treats contain sugar due to the natural sugar found in fruit called fructose. To minimize the amount of added sugar in fruity frozen treats, and boost the sweetness of your fruit dessert, add 2-3 Tablespoons of honey or agave nectar rather than ½-1 cups of white sugar. This way you can decrease the carbohydrate and calorie content of your dessert.


Yield: 6 servings

  • 1 pint of fresh blueberries, washed
  • 3 Tablespoons of honey or agave nectar
  • 2 Tablespoons of fresh squeeze lemon
  • ½ cup of water
  • Optional: lemon zest for garnish


Place all ingredients into a blender and blend mixture until a smooth liquid consistency. Pour mixture into a tupperware container that can be sealed tightly. Place tupperware container in the freezer. Every 30 minutes for 2 hours, give the mixture a stir. After 2 hours, let the mixture sit until you are ready to serve. If the mixture is completely solid, let it defrost for 20 minutes or until you are able to scoop into your Icy Blueberry Sorbet! Optional: top your individual serving with lemon zest, vanilla yogurt and/or low-fat cool whip.

Nutrition Information Per Serving:

  • Calories: 61 kcal
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 16 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 1 g
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Sodium: 2 mg

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