Fish = Heart Healthy Food
It would not be wrong to say that fish is a super food. Being the richest source of omega-3...
Diminish Muscle Soreness with A Light Workout
Have you ever experienced soreness in your muscles after a good workout session in the gym? What has been...
How GREEN is your valley (or springtime dinner plate)?
to tap into Mother Nature’s bounty of gorgeous vegetables that have finally come into season. Asparagus, low cholesterol and...
SALT! Lower Intake To Lower Pressure And Prevent Heart Disease
Reduce intake of salt to enjoy a healthy life and prevent heart disease. Check out how to make...
Eat And Drink Too Much And You Won’t Be Merry!
Add on to your holiday fun with heart healthy low calorie cocktails. Stay away from mindless drinking and don't...
Barley Risotto with Shitake Mushrooms
Barley is a healthy high-fiber, high-protein whole grain boasting numerous health benefits.
Go GREEN to Stay LEAN (and Healthy)!
Think GREEN, not just for the environment but for your body, your health, and your fitness. Aim for atleast...
Low Cholesterol Recipe: Awesome Arugula
Of all the salad greens, arugula is probably one of the most nutritious. Packed with disease-fighting phytochemicals, vitamins and...
Heart Healthy Barilla PLUS Recipes
When you think of Italian food, you probably think about pasta, right? Spaghetti, penne, angel hair, elbows, farfalle and...
What’s the Nutritional Impact of Halloween Treats?
Q: What is the nutritional impact of sugary Halloween treats on my kids? A: Overdosing on huge quantities of...
Does a Morning Workout Burn More Calories?
Q: Does the time of day (morning rather than evening) impact burning more calories? A: Whenever you can burn...
Do Carrots Really Help Eyesight at Night?
Q: Do carrots really help my eyesight at night? Or was Mom just saying that as a way of...
How Should I Get Back Into a Running Routine?
Q: I used to run every day and then I had kids. Now that they’re getting older, I’m starting...
How Can I Gain Healthy Weight and Energy?
Make sure to eat three meals a day, plus get in those higher-calorie snacks and you should be on...
Do I Really Need A Daily Supplement?
Q: Do I really need to take a daily supplement if my diet is diverse and healthy? A: Americans...
Supplements For More Omega-3s?
The best sources of EPA and DHA are fatty cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, halibut and herring.
How Can I Tone Up “Fatty” Areas?
Q: Since turning 50 I have noticed a fat accumulation around the inside of my knees, making my knees...
Are Dried Fruits Just As Nutritious As Regular?
Dried fruits have pros and cons associated with them. Dried fruits such as raisins are a highly nutritious and...
How Can I Shake the Salt Habit?
Q: I know too much sodium is bad for me, so are there any alternatives I can cook with that...
Why Are Nuts Important In a Woman’s Diet?
Just remember not to go too nuts for nuts, as they are a very concentrated source of calories (due...
How Can I Prevent Cramping While Exercising?
Skeletal muscles are the type of muscles that are most likely to cramp, with calf, thigh and muscles in...
Diet or Fitness to Moderate High LDL?
Q: I am in my early 30’s and was told by my primary care physician that my LDL cholesterol...
Get Active at Work
Q: I work on a computer all day. Are there exercises I can do while working at my desk? ...
Nutritonal Value of Lettuce and Pickles
Q: Is it true there is little to no nutritional value in some vegetables such as lettuce or pickles?...
The Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet
Q: Is there a risk to going vegetarian after 28 years of not? What about going vegan? A: No...

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