Ahhh, promises, promises. Why is it that most New Year’s resolutions tend to fall by the wayside come Valentine’s Day? Perhaps it’s because most of us make resolutions with an all-or-nothing mentality—goals that are simply not practical nor achievable. This year, it’s time to find the real you rather than try to reinvent yourself. If you love sweets, you may want to come to terms with your taste and allow yourself sweets—in moderation—on a daily basis.
5 tips for cutting down on your added sugar intake and still satisfying your sweet tooth:
The not-so-sweet facts: Americans eat an average of about 30 teaspoons of sugar a day (this equates to nearly 500 empty calories per day). “Added sugars†have made the American Heart Association (AHA) blacklist of foods that if eaten in excess contribute to heart disease—our nation’s leading cause of death in men and women. The AHA prudent guidelines on sugar intake call for an upper limit of no more than 100 calories per day in women (about 6 teaspoons of sugar) and 150 calories per day (about 9 teaspoons of sugar) in men.
How much added sugar do you eat? This year make a New Year’s Resolution that improves your health and well-being and is doable. Cut back on your added sugar intake but still allow yourself a daily sweet treat and you will be finding the real sweetness in YOU!
Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2016,
Dr. Janet