
Smiling woman in a lab coat holding strawberry.

A black and white image of the word " nwi ".
Strawberries Bring Cholesterol Down

People suffering from high cholesterol, generally resort to taking medication. However these statin drugs pose harmful risks as they have serious side effects. Instead of taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, Dr. Janet Brill, author of Cholesterol Down: Ten Simple Steps to Lower Your Cholesterol in Four Weeks–Without Prescription Drugs, recommends consuming right foods.

Dr. Janet appeared on Dr. Mehmet Oz’ talk show to discuss the health benefits of eating strawberries. Strawberries are one of the nutritious fruits that help lowering cholesterol. Juicy strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber that not only help maintain healthy skin and hair but also bring cholesterol down.

Dr. Janet recommends three cups of strawberries daily in order to lower your cholesterol the healthy way.

Besides strawberries help reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure as suggested by Dr. Janet, author of Blood Pressure Down: The 10-Step Plan to Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Weeks–Without Prescription Drugs.

Check out the Recipe of Sensational Strawberry Salsa.

Dr Janet in The Dr. Oz Show
April 2, 2014

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