
Book cover for "Blood Pressure Down."

A black and white image of the word " nwi ".
Released on May 7, 2013, Blood Pressure Down book has already received rave reviews across the USA.

According to CDC (Centers of Disease Control and Prevention), “67 million American adults suffer from high blood that means one in every three adults in America has high blood pressureâ€.

The latest book from Dr. Janet, Blood Pressure Down, recommends a 10-step plan to lower your blood pressure in 4 weeks without the use of prescription drugs.

Released on May 7, 2013, the book has already received rave reviews from the nutritionists, health websites and health care professionals across the USA.

How the book, Blood Pressure Down, is helpful to the readers? 

A black and white image of the word " nwi ".
Janet Bond Brill, nationally recognized nutrition & fitness expert, released her third book, Blood Pressure Down, recently.

Establishing a Process – In this book, Dr. Janet highlights the importance of bringing healthy changes to lifestyle. The book suggests a unique plan to harness the power of the lifestyle changes to attain a healthy state of body and mind. It also helps you adopt the DASH diet, heart-healthy foods – soy, bananas, yogurt and dark chocolate.

Gaining Assurance – A heart-healthy diet, simple exercises and changes in lifestyle is all it takes to reverse and prevent high blood pressure. Blood pressure down book assures you that it can be achieved.

High Blood Pressure Risks – The book spreads awareness on how high blood pressure contributes to cardiovascular death. It educates people on some very common causes of high blood pressure that includes consuming fast foods, decreased physical activity and stressful life. Dr. Janet’s latest book also talks about the effective ways to bring blood pressure down.

Mediterranean Recipes and Heart-Healthy Diet – The book makes it so easy for you to prepare Mediterranean recipes and heart-healthy food at your home. There are 50 delicious easy-to-make recipes that are not just effective in lowering blood pressure and are less time consuming as well.

Simple, Easy to Understand Instructions – All the convenient checklists, charts, meal plans recommended in the book is backed by in-depth research and analysis about human metabolism and nutritional content of different food products.

A number of nutritionists and health care professionals in America have advocated the effectiveness of techniques and recipes, recommended in the book, in lowering blood pressure.

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