Grilling your Way to Health
Make grilled food healthier by adding salt-free seasonings and marinades that help prevent heart disease. Check out heart healthy...
Top 5 Benefits of Eating Heart Healthy Avocados
Check out the zero cholesterol recipe of Avocado Dip (Guacamole) and serve it with fresh veggies or whole wheat...
Walnuts – A Nutritional Powerhouse that Lowers Cholesterol
Crunchy and delicious, walnuts are a near perfect food. Walnuts are actually the edible seeds of the plant genus...
Eat Bananas – Lower Blood Pressure
You may have heard the proverb –“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.†Now add another wonderful fruit...
The Power of Antioxidants
Q: What exactly do antioxidants do and what are some great food sources? A: Antioxidants counter the excessive production...

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